A lot of truth is in the statement “you are what you eat”. Eating affects our health, as well as our mood, the appearance of our nails, skin and hair condition. It adds energy, affects the brain, is responsible for memory and concentration. It is literally a fuel for our body. So instead of reaching for highly processed products that have no nutritional value, but only enhancers, empty calories and a whole range of artificial dyes and flavors, let’s choose healthy organic food.
Organic food has long since ceased to be a luxury and has become easily accessible. More and more people choose eco food for the sake of their health and good form, are interested in the composition of the food they buy, and rely on high quality products.
Organic food – what is it and what requirements does it have to meet?
Organic food is the answer to the growing needs and expectations of the modern consumer, who is becoming more and more aware and makes rational dietary choices. It is a form of respect for one’s health and well-being. Finally, we have seen that improving nature and using all these artificial additives with GMO seeds, antibiotics, growth promoters, artificial colorants and flavor additives at the forefront has brought more harm than good.
So organic food became an antidote to all the artificiality around us. What exactly is it? It is high quality food produced in an organic farm system, i.e. one that avoids the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators and food additives.
Organic refers to the way we grow and produce
The term “organic” refers to the way the food products are grown, produced and processed. For a product to be called organic it must meet a number of requirements. The most important of them is cultivation under the supervision of a certification body with powers granted.
During production no synthetic chemical substances may be used in organic farming and breeding. The use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, hormones and other pharmaceutical products is excluded. Everything must be done using only natural substances or minerals.
In practice, this means that animal products such as eggs or milk products must be produced without the use of antibiotics and hormones. Slaughter animals are bred in good phytosanitary conditions, have guaranteed access to pastures and are fed organic food without synthetic additives or genetically modified preparations.
Ecological = rich in nutrients
Eco food is natural food, so it is safe. Consuming it, we do not provide the body with any toxic chemical substances or genetically modified organisms subjected to ionizing radiation, which unfortunately may be present in conventional food. Organic food is also rich in valuable nutrients: protein, fats, mineral salts, vitamins and macroelements. Research conducted by independent organizations has repeatedly shown that organic food is richer in nutrients than other types of food.
Eco food – not for GMOs
Organic farming prohibits the use of genetically modified organisms. This translates directly not only into our health, but also into the condition of the environment. The more products are produced using organic methods, the cleaner our environment will be. Techniques used by organic farming do not pollute water and air, do not lead to soil erosion, and are conducive to maintaining the biodiversity of the environment, which is essential for life on our planet.
An organic product must be certified
Non-certified food is not organic. If the product has an organic label (the so-called Euro leaf), it means that it has undergone a number of health and quality controls, as well as origin. Certified organic products are among the most controlled on the market and are regulated by many legal provisions.
Is organic food really healthier?
Yes, several years ago, an American nutrition expert, conducted a study that clearly demonstrated the superiority of organic food over conventional products. Several food groups showed that on average, organic food contains more than 25% more vitamin C, about 20% more iron, almost 30% more magnesium than conventional food. Organic fruit and vegetables contain more antioxidants, including resveratrol, which is so important for our cells.
Considering that organic meat is free of antibiotics and hormones, organic fruit and vegetables contain more valuable vitamins and minerals, and dairy products made from milk from happy fudge contain almost 70% more essential omega-3 fatty acids, yes – organic food is definitely healthier than conventional food! Besides, because it is natural it is also tastier.
When buying organic food we care about the environment
Production of organic food is environmentally friendly. The use of natural fertilizers has a positive impact on soil quality and protects the microorganisms living in the growing areas. The use of natural fertilizers, in addition to taking care of the richness of life in the soil, additionally improves its structure. Therefore, we can safely say that organic farming supports the ecosystem. By buying bio food we also contribute to the protection of the environment.
Organic food – popularity
Eco food has never been as popular as it has been recently. And even if it is due to the fashion for being “fit”, one has to admit that such fashion has an extremely positive aspect. However, it is not only the supporters of being “fit” who reach for eco-food. Among fans of organic food there are also those who care about their own health, who want to feel good every day, respect their body and do not want to bombard it unnecessarily with artificial preservatives, dyes, flavour enhancers and other chemical additives
The great popularity of bio food is also due to the growing consumer awareness. We have more and more knowledge and are increasingly interested in our health – what supports it and what damages it. We read labels carefully and are interested in where the products we choose come from. Moreover, we start to observe our body and see how it reacts to particular food products.
Why does organic food cost more?
When visiting an organic store, it is not uncommon for the prices to be the first thing to be noticed – higher prices compared to conventional food. What does this result from? Certainly it is not “seen” by organic food producers. It must be remembered that organic agriculture and farms must meet strict criteria, which makes the production process of organic food more expensive. There is no question of using growth regulators, antibiotics and pesticides. Instead, the purity of soil and groundwater is taken care of.
Buying organic food in an online store – why?
Store with organic food is the best solution if we care about certified products, i.e. natural and healthy. In large supermarkets, the food offered in the “eco” section is not always organic. It is always better to check if it has the appropriate certificates. And why is it worth choosing an eco store online? First of all because of the incredible convenience.
Here nobody rushes us, we can browse the assortment for as long as we need and what’s important – to shop at any time of day or night. An online organic food store is also a perfect solution for people from smaller towns, where an organic store is not always available.